

L’Art Nouveau si basa sull’estetica delle linee curve, sinuose ed eleganti. Non è un caso che queste siano anche parole chiave per descrivere la figura femminile, che rappresenta il soggetto prediletto di questo stile. Si tratta di donne snelle, attraenti, spesso sensuali, che ben richiamano le forme più caratterizzanti di questo stile, impregnate anche di significati aggiuntivi tipici della “femme fatale”: perversa, tentatrice, che porta alla perdizione. Un mix di elementi che si sposa bene nella resa di opere d’arte dal grande fascino visivo.

In this work of art dedicated to Cassandra, the Trojan princess gifted with prophecies but condemned to not be believed, her sinuous and naked body could be covered by a nuanced light, symbolising her divine gift and her tragic destiny. Her profile could be rendered with an intense and tormented expression, while her staring into space shows her awareness of the incoming tragedies. The figure could be surrounded by symbols of her prophetic role, such as flames of fragments of parchment with enigmatic inscriptions. This work captures the complexity and the suffering of Cassandra, transmitting to the public a powerful reflection on human condition and the weight of not considered prophecies.


The Art Nouveau is based on the aesthetics of curved, sinuous and sleek lines. It is no coincidence that these are also keywords to describe the feminine figure, which is the favourite subject of this style. They are slender, attractive and often sensual, all traits that recall the most distinctive forms of this style, also charged with additional meanings typical of the “femme fatale”: wicked, provocateur, leading to perdition. A mix of elements that goes well in the rendering of visually appealing works of art.
